Thursday, March 11, 2010

Travelers log - Day 6 in Haiti - Gramothe

Street vendors come every day the clinic is open to sell food and drinks to the patients waiting in line. Deep fried meat or vegetable pies (like large empanadas), some sort of meat that I was afraid to ask someone to identify, bags of popcorn and other snacks are available. These self-proclaimed "business women" bring their own portable "stove", charcoal, and everything needed to prepare everything onsite. The pies and meat are fried in hot oil over an open flame.

This little girl was selling leftover fried pies that her mother had been selling in front of the clinic.

The lady in the fuchsia skirt specifically asked me to take a
photo of her family. She was so proud of them!

Some of the children of Gramothe that desperately wanted "photo, photo".
The little girl on the right was hysterical! The loved looking at the digital screen
of themselves after each photograph was taken.

This is one of my favorite photos. She came to the clinic every day.
Only once to be seen. The remaining times to socialize with friends.
She was wonderfully friendly and gracious to us.

This man was a chatterbox! He talked to all of us in Creole,
greeting us with a firm handshake and a hearty "Bon soir" (good evening).

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