Thursday, January 9, 2014

JACOB'S FUND :: Contagious Joy

Speech therapy with Cecilia
Recently, TRTP grant writer, Jessica, visited our partners at McKenna Farms and met Cecilia. Now we'd like to introduce you to her.


Cecilia is a beautiful little girl, so full of life and cheer! Cecilia agreed to let us spend some time with her during her speech therapy session during my visit to McKenna Farms, a gift I will never forget.

After listening to her joyfully point out things like an oven, ladder, and refrigerator and what each does, I made my way to the lobby to introduce myself to her parents and gush over what I had just witnessed. I was deeply moved that her parents would find a comfort level with me and were willing to share her story.

When Cecilia's mother was 25 weeks pregnant, the doctor found water on the baby's brain and suggested that she consider abortion. Her parents decided to continue to full term and meet their baby girl. Days following her birth, surgeons operated on her tiny brain for the first time, with four additional surgeries to follow. 

The family recently moved to Georgia and has been bringing Cecilia to McKenna Farms for over two months. They are thrilled with the progress she has made and are happy to report she will be starting hippotherapy very soon. The two relish their daughter's positive attitude: never a complaint, always cheerful. What a role model this darling girl is!

I suspect all who meet Cecilia feel the warmth of her contagious joy reach into the deepest parts of their hearts. That day I thanked God for touching little Cecilia's life and for allowing her joy to trickle down into my heart. That precious, untainted heart rescued me from the cares and burdens of the world, lifting me above the clouds to the warmth of the sun.

My time spent with her gave me a clearer vision of what our small lives are really about.

~ Jessica, TRTP Grant Writer

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