Saturday, September 29, 2012

JACOB'S FUND :: McKenna Farms part 2

Getting to work!
Following a hearty breakfast provided by McKenna Farm board members and volunteers, the group set out to work. On the agenda for the next 2 days was a variety of groundwork, mainly in the gardens surrounding the therapy building and all along the Jacob Beachy Sensory Trail. 

Sign at the beginning of the trail
Jaden learning to drive the Gator, hauling supplies for the team
Wilma and Hana clearing the area
Wilma and Jaden filling the umpteenth wheelbarrow of brush
Hana clearing the base of the beautiful Crepe Myrtles
The completed beautification job 
In addition to gardening, the youngest team members set to staining new fences and gates around some of the pastures. 

Elyse, Jacob's big sister, came in from Atlanta to help
Jaden staining the new posts around the pasture gate
Hana and Elyse, proud of the finished product

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