We wanted to share our new All Terrain Wheelchairs with you. They are RED and we are loving it! Each one will come with a tag that says "Donated by The Red Thread Promise". This is the style that will be used for all future shipments to Haiti and wherever else they are needed.
To date, we have raised funds for 160 wheelchairs! Our first shipment is already in port in Haiti but has not yet cleared customs. The second container is completed and will be shipped as soon as we understand what is holding up the first container in Port-au-Prince.
Included in the second container are additional medical supplies for St. Vincent's Center for Handicapped Children, including:
- adult- and child-sized wheelchair sizes
- seat belts for children's wheelchairs
- canes
- crutches
- scales
- electric instrument sanitizer
- 3 test wheelchairs: trike wheelchair, recliner, porter
- repair/maintenance parts
- tarps
Our rugged, all terrain chairs are $325 each, adult- or child-sized. The price includes shipping.
If you are interested in sending a wheelchair to a needy child, please send your donation to our address (top right) or you can pay electronically via PayPal. Clearly mark "wheelchair" in the memo line.
Thank you for your support of our Wheelchair Promise Program.
Tis is a beautiful gift to these children . If you look at my blog at wtnhaitipartnership.blogspot.com you will see photos of the wheelchairs with plastic lawn chairs for seats, used by the St Vincents kids. They will adore these red ones. Keep us posted about the shipment!
Susan Nelson
Sounds like a great program, I know acess to used wheelchairs has really helped me improve the life of our grandfather, it really can make a huge difference
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