Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Campers need your support

Fr. Sadoni and a group of Camp Jake campers
People often ask how they can help bring this experience alive for the kids with handicaps in Haiti. The answer is simple: we need your financial support. In order to provide this life-changing camp, we need to transport, house and feed both the campers and our talented counselors, provide water gear, musical instruments, art supplies, sports equipment, snacks, a large medical kit and many other items each time we host camp. Thankfully, our startup costs are getting lower and lower. With each camp, we purchase more of the supplies that will be used year after year and will continue to do so until we have a sufficient supply of camp materials, after which we will only need to be concerned about transport, lodging and food.

We are still accepting donations toward the July session of Camp Jake to offset the cost of the camp. All gifts are tax deductible. If you are interested, please send a check to the address at the top right or click on the PayPal button on the right. Be sure to put "Camp Jake" in the memo line.

Thank you for your continued support!

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