Saturday, July 14, 2012

CAMP JAKE :: Swimming!

Amanda holding Auguste

Entire posts could be dedicated to the
kid's new-found love of swimming.
But we think it would be more interesting
to show in pictures. Enjoy!

Andy swimming with Elisme and Markenson, 2 blind campers
A typical site at Kaliko this week
Moise—our basketball player extraordinaire—and counselor, Casey!
For non-ambulatory, non-swimming campers, it takes a lot of trust
to allow a stranger to take you in the pool or ocean. As you can see,
Moise has taken to Casey and really enjoys the water.
Jake and Christina, spreading her water wings
Kelly and Lovely, a deaf student who is indeed lovely in our eyes
Laura and Danika making quite a splash
Ana Maria and Miele, our resident beauty queen
Teaching Miele to float - looks like she may have fallen asleep!
Sonya holding Yolen, a beautiful girl with severe scoliosis 
Makenson, a sighted camper helps two blind teens, 
Louvens & Jerry, safely down the pool steps 

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