Thursday, April 5, 2012

CHINA :: New strides for Baby XX

April 2012

January 2012

Baby XX is growing up and, as you can see from this photo, as cute as can be! Her life has drastically changed for the better thanks to the support of people like you

We met this little one in December 2011. A moment that should have brought great wonder instead brought a dim future—she was born with spina bifida and hydrocephalus—and her parents left her in the care of an orphanage. Thankfully, XX has already received her initial surgery and a follow-up CT scan, great steps toward her recovery. Since then, XX has been cuddled, loved and cared for by the specially trained nannies at Swallows Nest during her recovery and is doing well.

The Red Thread Promise is committed to supporting Baby XX’s post surgical care until she is matched with her forever family. It is estimated that she may be in foster care for two or more years due to the severity of her special needs. 

For $125 per month, together we can provide for her nanny as well as her medical needs, food and clothing. If you would like to help XX, please consider donating toward her care. One-time and monthly gifts are welcome in any size. Donations can be made through PayPal (link in the right sidebar) or sent via check to the address at the top right.

Once again, this is a perfect example of how your generous hearts are helping special needs children in China.

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