Saturday, January 7, 2012

Things we love about Camp Jake - Swimming in the ocean

Campers and counselors navigating the rocky beach on their way to the water.

Samantha and Dieumene.

Zacharie decided to be our photographer for the morning in lieu of swimming

We took nearly every camper with every type of ability to the beach again today. As time went on, few chose to stay on the rocky beach.

Counselors made a semi-circle in the water in a relatively shallow area allowing the independent swimmers to enjoy some freedom within limits (and under close supervision). Then our team took individual campers in their arms and assisted them into the water to float swim, or simply sit, whatever their comfort level.

The sight-impaired campers loved everything about the beach, from the rocks beneath their feet, to the water itself, to the waves splashing up on them. They stayed in the water longer than anyone else! Some were daring, like Jimmy, who loves to float and swim face down in the water. While others, like Elisme, were content to sit in the water and repeatedly splash their face or dunk their head, grinning from ear-to-ear.

Jabari carrying Auguste to the water.

Brandon and Moise lounging at the water's edge.

(left to right) Tom, Clarissian, Maggie, Genie, Oxilus, and Jabari

Yolen and Lissa enjoying the cool water

Elisme, one of the sight-impaired students, continuously poured water
over his head the entire time and loved every moment.
You may remember our post about losing Elisme's brother, Cebien, back in February.
It was SO good to see this man smiling again!

(left to right) Sienna, Diana, Mauriline, Genie and Lovely

Best friends, Rosaline and Rosana, are inseparable

Matt served as our lifeguard, keeping a watchful eye on Danika and others.

Tom teaching Blanda how to float.

Samantha signing to her friends on the shore

Rosaline and Danika

Maggie, Clarrisian, Tom and Samantha

Matt and Maggie keeping everyone in line

Tom and Evans

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