Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Things we love about Camp Jake - The beach at sunset

Sonya, Diana and Olixus.

These images are from our first time taking the kids to the beach. A large group of us traveled down the stairs and across the sand to the water's rocky edge. We stopped along the way to allow the blind students to touch various trees, bushes and stones. When we finally made it to the beach, the blind campers were the first to roll up their pant legs and climb right in. What was going to be just putting their feet in, turned into nearly full-body swimming! Everyone explored the beach and enjoyed the beautiful sunset together. Several of the deaf children commandeered our cameras and began photographing everything under the setting sun.

Heading toward the beach.

Tom and Diana.

Evans, Elisme and Markenson, our 3 blind muskateers, examining a tree with their hands.

Touching various stones and other natural materials was a real treat for the blind students.

Emmanuel, one of the caregivers, and Jimmy, getting ready to get in the water.

Tom and Tiffany helping the first group into the water.
The bank is quite steep, which isn't evident from this photograph.
The stones are smooth and slippery, making the decent
into the water more challenging for the blind students.

Jimmy and Tiffany.

Tom and Diana.

Dieumene, a reserved girl, savoring the view.

Rose and Sonya.

Blanda and Samantha enjoying a friendly moment!

Maggie chatting with Diana.

Diana and Oxilus.

Rose, Jabari and Blanda.

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