Thursday, December 29, 2011

Camp Jake care packages

Only 4 days until the Red Thread team rolls out the first annual Camp Jake for students at St. Vincent's Center for Handicapped Children in Haiti! Amazing how time flies. Seems like only yesterday that Tom and Jake had the idea for the camp and now it is almost here.

Bags are being packed and re-packed to fill every nook and cranny with supplies for the camp. Then each is weighed and items are shuffled from suitcase to suitcase to ensure compliance with the strict airline codes. Two 50 lb bags per person, 1 carryon and 1 personal items - no exceptions!

Today's project was organizing stacks and stacks of personal hygiene products. In Ohio, a make-shift assembly line was set up and four friends turned those piles into personal hygiene kits. Each of the 33 campers will receive a full kit and be taught how to use the items.

Organizing the supplies

The assembly line

Each kit contains:
  • vibrating toothbrush
  • toothpaste
  • mouthwash
  • dental floss
  • shampoo
  • conditioner
  • body wash
  • face wash
  • sunblock
  • nail clippers
  • nail file
  • bag of Qtips
  • deodorant
The packages for the older kids also have:
  • razor
  • can of shaving lotion
Completed kits

Many thanks to the women of Peace United Methodist Church for donating all of the supplies needed to fill the packages!

As we get closer to our departure date, please keep the Red Thread team in your thoughts and prayers for a successful camp. Also keep in mind the many campers who will enjoy new experiences, taste new foods and go to new places. We so look forward to working with these kids!

As always, we will post to the blog and Facebook frequently during the week of the camp. Electricity and internet connections are often shaky in Haiti, but we'll keep you in the loop as much as possible during camp and the weeks that follow.

Thank you for your continued support!

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