Monday, October 24, 2011

CHINA :: Ready for winter!

With winter just around the corner, we are ramping up our fundraising efforts so we are ready to support our next special needs child in China as soon as he or she "walks" through that proverbial door.
Why is winter such a concern? Hand-in-hand with the harsh temperatures of November through March often comes pneumonia, one of the greatest health concerns for these already at-risk infants. The little ones that we serve already have severly compromised health when they are brought to our attention and become "Red Thread kids".

Babies with serious birth defects such as myelomeningocele (the most severe form of spina bifida when the spinal cord is exposed through an opening in the spine) and other critical conditions need surgery within days of birth. These procedures leave their tiny bodies weakened and extremely susceptible to pneumonia and other secondary complications that are often as life-threatening as the original abnormality.
We take winters in China seriously and make every effort to have the funds available so that when a child needs swift intervention, they can get the treatment necessary and are in an environment that keeps them warm and safe, thus reducing their risk of complications. When even one baby dies from a birth defect or complications from surgery, it is one too many.
With your help, we can and will be ready to tackle winter head-on and make a difference in as many children's lives as possible. Thank you for your support.

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