Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Red Thread of Destiny

Did you know that The Red Thread Promise takes its name from an ancient Chinese proverb? It states that there is a silken red thread of destiny which connects one person to another. It is said that this magical cord may tangle or stretch but never break.

It is always interesting to find out how the red thread of destiny brings people together. So we have a simple question for you:

When and how did you learn about The Red Thread Promise?


  1. Sonya (moderator and blogger extraordinaire!) has been involved with TRTP since October 2003. Kathy (TRTP President) was a long-standing client for Sonya's graphic design business when they both lived, worked and played in Texas. Sonya has many adopted family members, so it was an "easy sell" when Kathy asked her to get involved. The rest, as they say, is history!

  2. I was introduced to THTP when my husband and I started the adoption process of Christopher, from Haiti. THTP has been working for several months to get Christopher to the U.S. for medical care. (He has Sickle Cell Disease) I am so blessed that our paths crossed, as I can easily see myself involved with TRHP in the years to come.
    Mom to far.
