Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wade's Journal - Week 3 in Haiti

The TRTP team was able to visit Wade during their trip to Port au Prince earlier this month. He has been working tirelessly at the hospital and day clinic in PAP ever since his arrival.

The daily grind

The work in the hospital is intense. Days are long, 10 - 12 hours each. No breaks. Power bars and other "on the go" foods are eaten while working. On a rare occasion, a step outside to get a breath of "fresh" air. Temperatures in the mid to high 90s. At the end of each day: exhaustion.

Regardless, Wade was in good spirits during the two evening meals he shared with the TRTP team. But as soon as the meals were over, he collapsed on the bed, trying to cool off and get whatever rest he could before the bus picked him up the next morning to start all over again.

Thankfully, two other TRTP volunteers, Shawn and Annelies, were able to join him to work at the hospital for awhile. It was refreshing for Wade to work with friends.

But one of the benefits of this type of work is the contacts that are made. Our team has met medical professionals from around the world in every area of expertise imaginable. And, to keep it interesting, they even rubbed elbows with some movie stars who support the effort in Haiti. They have made great contacts that will be beneficial for future medical treatment requests by The Red Thread Promise.

According to Wade, some of the babies in the hospital were "dressed to the Ts by their mothers. It was very touching to see them doing whatever they could for their children."

An unexplained broken femur

Sadly, violent crime is a big reality downtown. In one afternoon he:
  • Saw a 12 year old girl with a gunshot wound through the chest and out the back. Unfortunately, they were ill equipped to help her and sent her to a better facility for treatment.
  • Treated 2 murderers that the police caught in unrelated incidences. One shot his girlfriend and the police shot him 3 times during his capture. The other killed his mother. His neighbors caught him and nearly beat him to death.
Anneleis in the ER treating one of the murderers

Prisoner chained to the bed

One of the many rats that can be found in the hospital

A family friend cleaning up in the street right outside the hospital

Please keep Wade, all medical personnel and volunteers (whether Haitian or foreign) in your thoughts and prayers. There is a long road ahead.

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