Saturday, April 24, 2010
Wheelchair Promise Program Delivery
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Mountain Top Ministries School
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Busy As Bees
- Busy given presentations on Haiti to multiple churches, youth groups, elementary schools, Girl Scout troops, women's groups, book clubs and others. People have been moved by our first-hand accounts of the current living conditions in Haiti. Their hearts have been touched by the photos of people living in tin shacks, tents, wheelbarrows, and homeless on the streets. Touched so much that supporters are organizing their own fundraisers, including bake sales, dress down days for school, bread sales, garage sales and even collecting loose change with Penny Blessings just to name a few. Indeed, every penny counts!
- Busy coordinating the manufacture and delivery of our first full container of all terrain wheelchairs for Haiti! One hundred wheelchairs are tentatively scheduled to dock in late June barring any setbacks at sea. Please check back in the next few days for the press releases giving full details of this great news and full acknowledgement to our fantastic donors.
- Busy scheduling our next trips to Haiti. Our first trip is scheduled in early May to work on plans for the funding and construction of the much needed surgical center at Mountain Top Ministries. Second, one of our medical representatives will be working in multiple clinics in Port au Prince for 4-5 weeks in May / June. Third, we will travel to Haiti in either July or September to help with the distribution of the wheelchairs.
- Busy looking for creative ways to fund our administrative costs. While all of our manpower is volunteer based, our direct travel and working expenses are a reality that can not be ignored. With airline tickets costing anywhere from $550 - $750 each, lodging in Haiti, and the cost of our ESL materials (just to name a few), we need to find sustainable revenue streams to cover these ongoing expenses. Please consider if you, your organization or business might be able to help in this area.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Resuming Haitian Adoptions Through Standard Process
The Haiti government has requested that the United States provide them with a final list of orphans being considered under the Special Humanitarian Parole Program for Haitian Orphans. As a result, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will stop accepting new requests for consideration under the special program as of April 14, 2010, and will resume regular processing of intercountry adoptions.
USCIS believes the vast majority of adoption requests for orphans who meet the criteria of the special program have already been submitted. Since January 18, USCIS has authorized parole for more than 1,000 orphans under the special program, and as of April 5, approximately 340 cases are still being considered. The unprecedented program included safeguards to ensure that each child granted parole was truly available for adoption and had been matched to a suitable U.S. citizen for adoption.
To read the fact sheet from USCIS, click here.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Special Haitian Humanitarian Parole Ending
To date, more than 1,000 Haitian orphans have been approved for travel to the United States to join their adoptive families under this expedited process.