Friday, March 5, 2010

TRTP in the news - PRESS RELEASE

St. Paul's Episcopal Church in New Orleans issued the following press release regarding their Haiti: New Orleans Will Stand By You outreach campaign on 3/2/10.


The Rev. Dr. Scott P. Albergate, Rector
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Kathy Korge Albergate, President
The Red Thread Promise

Lisa Davis, Director of Institutional Advancement
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Organizations prepare to send their first Haiti relief team to the devastated area.

NEW ORLEANS - (March 1, 2010) Immediately following the devastating earthquakes in Haiti, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and The Red Thread Promise (TRTP) joined together in support of the people of Haiti by establishing the “Haiti: New Orleans Will Stand By You” outreach campaign. In the weeks following, organizers have been working hard to assemble a group to travel to the region to assist in their relief efforts. Through connections locally and nationally, a Haiti relief team has been formed and the group will make their first trip to the devastated area departing, Saturday, March 6th from New Orleans National Airport at 6:00 am arriving in Port-au-Prince at noon.

The Haiti relief team is a dedicated group of volunteer professionals with a passion for helping the people in the region and offering hope to those in the area who desperately need it. The group will be working with two Haitian organizations, Mountain Top Ministries (MTM), located in the town of Gramothe. MTM is an organization serving three mountain top communities providing a school, medical clinic, and church to the approximately 1,500 children. Since the devastation, MTM is also serving countless earthquake victims and Rivers of Hope orphanage, also located in Gramothe, which provides a home and care for 15 Haitian orphans.

The seven member team offers a wide-range of experience and expertise all sharing in the unified goal of helping Haitians with their recovery in both the short and long term. The team’s focus for this trip and future trips will be on helping to support the community’s medical, rebuilding, and educational needs. The group is also raising funds to support the disabled by providing All Terrain Wheelchairs to the handicapped. Team Leader, Kathy Korge Albergate, president of The Red Thread Promise (an organization dedicated to providing medical care to orphans across the world) has made several trips to Haiti before the earthquake working with the above mentioned organizations and brings years of experience working with orphans and children in foreign countries. On this trip, Albergate will serve as the group’s mentor and guide in the region while working with the Haitians to access their rebuilding needs and supplies. She will also spend time teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) to kindergarten and 1st graders at the MTM school.

Joining Albergate are:
  • Erin Hardin, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church member and The Red Thread Promise, board member. Hardin is a child advocate and will be working with Rivers of Hope orphanage to organize food donations, medical supplies, and long term care for the residing orphans.
  • Tom Landry II, Interior Architect, will work with Mountain Top Ministries consulting on their needs for an extension of their medical clinic to include a surgical building. Landry will be on a fact finding mission taking extensive notes, photographs, and interviews. This will equip him with the knowledge and understanding needed to begin the design work and fundraising for the facility.
  • Wade Shields, Physician Assistant, serves on the medical team and will be assisting the thousands of Haitians in need of medical care at Mountain Top Ministries clinic. He brings his experience of similar mission trips taken to Nicaragua.
  • Three New Orleans medical residents bring much enthusiasm and talents to the table. They will be working five very full days at Mountain Top Ministries seeing patients as needed.
Through Albergate’s Haitian connections her team will have immediate access to the Haitians and a direct link to helping those whose needs are so high. The entire team is excited and devoted to making an impact in Haiti and feel fortunate to have the opportunity to share their talents and expertise with the people in the region. When the group returns from their first Haiti mission, they will work together to evaluate, access, and plan the future steps to continuing their service and commitment to the people of Haiti. Funds are being raised to help support the “Haiti: New Orleans Will Stand By You” campaign and can be made by visiting There is a PayPal button on the website as well as TRTP's mailing address. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. You can also send checks payable to The Red Thread Promise and mailed to:

Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund
c/o St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
6249 Canal Boulevard
New Orleans, LA 70124

100% of all financial donations earmarked Haiti Relief will go directly to provide earthquake relief.

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