Saturday, February 13, 2010

We Are The World

As this iconic song resonates in our minds, whether from the original 25 years ago or the remix from yesterday's Olympic Winter Games opening ceremonies, we are reminded of how important it is for us to come together when someone is in need. That someone is Haiti, an entire country of people who have been devastated time and time again.

In a statement given to MTV, Quincy Jones said, "Twenty five years ago, the entertainment industry showed the power of community to help our fellow man when we recorded 'We Are The World' to bring relief to those suffering from famine in Ethiopia. And while the need to assist Africa continues, today the country of Haiti is suffering immeasurably from the destruction due to the recent earthquake and is in immediate need of relief that will last long after the television cameras have left. As artists, we have joined together on this 25th anniversary and in the spirit of 'We Are The World' to help meet that need."

The Red Thread Promise says thank you to the 81 members of the choir who sang so passionately about this tiny little country and the world's efforts to assist. The celebrities truly grasped the red thread of destiny with their song. It is our hope that their united voices will bring people together from all corners of the earth to uplift our Haitian brothers and sisters.

If you've been following The Red Thread Promise's blog and FaceBook posts, you already know that we established a relationship with Haiti prior to the earthquake. We promise to continue our work with the children of Haiti, in the midst of this most recent crisis and beyond. We promise not to walk away when the media is no longer covering relief efforts and people begin to forget about this little country. We promise to use your donations to the best of our ability wherever The Red Thread Promise works with children. We promise to report back to you how we use those donations so that you know what a difference your gifts make in the lives of others.

And now we'd like to thank YOU, our supporters, who give their time, talents and financial support to The Red Thread Promise. Without you, we would cease to exist.

In the following post today, we will give an update as to how your contributions are giving direct aid to the people of Gramothe, Haiti and surrounding villages. Briefly, we have been able to send nearly $13,000 to Mountain Top Ministries and Rivers of Hope Orphanage! Food and medical supplies continue to be their top priorities and we have found it to be more cost effective to purchase these supplies in Haiti then to ship them from the U.S.

Please consider making a donation to our Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund where you can make a direct difference in the lives of the Haitian people today. Our mailing address, Global Giving and PayPal buttons are on the right in the sidebar. Mark your donation with "earthquake" in the subject line and 100% of the donation will go directly to Haiti.

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