Thursday, February 4, 2010

Penny Blessings brings wheelchairs to Haiti

Recently, several individuals and organizations have requested our popular Penny Blessings coffee can labels to help raise money for Haiti. Some have even asked that we make a custom one specifically for our Wheelchair Promise Program. We were happy to oblige!

The Red Thread has been doing this for simple program for years. It is a fun way to get the whole family involved in fundraising. If you haven't heard of Penny Blessings, the concept is simple:
  • Place an empty coffee can at home, work, church, or wherever you can.
  • Collect pennies and other loose change.
  • When the can is full, cash in the change and send a check to The Red Thread Promise.
This is a blessing that you, your family and friends can be a part of and is great fun for kids of all ages. It is amazing how much it adds up! Kids can get involved by counting the money and rolling the coins. Or, if time is tight, they can dump the can into the coin sorter at your local grocery or other store.

Here's what some people have said about the program:

“At first it seemed too small to matter—to impact anything—much less a child’s chance at a changed life. But we put a coffee can on the floor of the car and another can on the dresser. With the economy being so uncertain, we try to pay for everything with cash. Any change we get back from a purchase (gum, coffee at Starbuck’s, bananas) we toss in the Penny Blessing cans. In Hawaii, where we have no city or county recycling, we take our trash, plastics, aluminum and newspapers to be recycled. Any returned dollars go in the cans as well. At the end of each month, we roll coins, make a deposit and write TRTP a check. On a monthly basis, it has ranged between $20 - $60...surprisingly so, it just adds up! And we don’t miss a penny of it… it’s extra and easy to toss in the cans. We are making a difference.” ~ Kevin and Victoria (Kamuela, Hawaii)

"Our elementary school is in it's second year collecting change for The Red Thread Promise. The children are so enthusiastic about the Penny Blessings project. Knowing that they are helping other children who are in need creates a sense of caring about others, especially on a global level." ~ Susan (Middletown, Ohio)

If you would like one of our coffee can labels, please send an email to You can specify generic or wheelchair. Happy coin collecting and thank you for your support.

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