Friday, November 27, 2009


When we met Zheng LuYuan in September 2009, he was just 10 days old and needed spina bifida surgery, a birth defect where part of the spinal cord is outside the body in a sac. Spina bifida occurs at the end of the first month of pregnancy when the two sides of the embryo's spine fail to join together, leaving an open area. In some cases, the spinal cord or other membranes may push through this opening in the back. This condition ranges from little or no disability to full paralysis and inability to use the legs.

In late October, The Red Thread Promise (TRTP) supported LuYuan’s journey to Shanghai Children's Medical Center so that he could receive this life-changing surgery. After several weeks of having one-on-one care from his nanny, LuYuan is back at Swallow’s Nest. According to the director, “He wants to be held all the time. I'm very happy with his progress. He is cooing and smiling.”

Being in a better state of health is a gift that LuYuan will have for the rest of his life and will greatly increase his chances of being adopted. When LuYuan turns 6 months old we hope he will be placed on the active adoption list in China, waiting to find his forever family.

Sadly, during the time that LuYuan was being treated, Deng Ni, another baby at Swallow’s Nest died from the same condition. While we celebrated LuYuan’s success, we mourned the loss of a little one who needed our help as well. By continuing to expand our global network of donors and doctors, we hope to prevent this tragedy in the future.

If you would like to support LuYuan and children like him, please click on the donate button on the right side.

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