Monday, August 18, 2008

Meet Your Scribe for The Red Thread Promise Blog

I'm Jeana, the scribe for The Red Thread Promise blog. I'm also the newest board member of The Red Thread Promise, and am totally humbled by the work that has been done, and work that needs to be done in the days to come. Thanks for logging on, and I hope you'll bookmark us and stop by on a regular basis!

I'm a single, adoptive mom to two lovely young ladies from China. Hannah lived in the Jiande CWI until 1999, when I adopted her at 12 months, with the help of Dillon. From the time she could speak, she prayed for a sister. We traveled to China in 2006 to adopt Grace, who was 32 months old. Grace had lived in the Dongguan CWI until her adoption. Lifelink helped with Grace's adoption. Grace had an unrepaired cleft palate which was repaired when we returned from China.

I'm an ESL teacher in the Midwest, love to travel, read, and spend time with my family.

What would adoptive families do without the INTERNET? I wasn't aware of all the resources on the computer, and there were not the wealth of resources in the early 1990's, when I was preparing to adopt my older daughter. When I read of families adopting from China, I'd track down their phone numbers, and ask if they would talk to me. My phone bills were a whole lot higher than they are these days! What an awesome source of info!!! Love my Yahoo Groups! When I'm explaining to friends who are not adoptive families, what a Yahoo Group is, I just say, "If you have an interest or a need for information, someone before you probably has too, and it is likely there is a file or a'll just love Yahoo Groups!"

Jen, another board member, led me to The Red Thread Promise. I'm on a steep learning curve, trying to get up to speed about The Red Thread Promise, and determine what my contribution to this group can be. My belief is that adoptive families want to help provide for the kids that remain in orphanages, may not be sure how to do that, and will step up to the plate if someone is willing to chart a course. It has been my experience that some adoptive families are exhausted financially, due to the cost of adoption(s) and after-adoption care their kids often require. I choke at the thought of asking these families that are on a tight budget, as I am, to write a check to The Red Thread Promise.

Instead, what if we grow more conscious as consumers? What if we log onto, assign The Red Thread as our charity, and then make our regular purchases? Businesses that donate a percentage of our purchase, and there is no charge to the purchaser, or to our charity. Takes a few seconds and a few clicks. THAT I can ask folks to do, and not break out in hives.

I'm active with a local adoption group formed from a Yahoo Group (did I mention I love those Yahoo Groups!!!), and host a bookclub/discussion group each month. We read books that are of interest to us as adoptive parents, and discuss topics that are also of interest to us! So far, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan is my favorite book. We were on vacation as I was finishing the book, and my older daughter knew to ask, "How many pages until you're done with your chapter?" when she wanted something from her ever-attentive mom.

Our family is a bit unique, as we have a Chinese aupair. When I'm out with my girls, most people realize they are the daughters and I am the mom...Enter our Chinese aupair...People haven't got a clue who I am! I handle this with humor, as I'm the one they can't figure out; they're not trying to figure out how my kids fit into this mix. Also, life is short, and I have a limited amount of energy for irritation and despair...One greeter at church just can't figure out that I'm the mama, and Dikun is our aupair; the guy really does not believe me.

Dikun is from Chengdu, 60 miles from the epicenter of the earthquake in China. We're grateful that her family and friends are safe. It has been tough for her to be away from home and loved ones during this time.

Well, that's my little intro! I will be introducing you to more member of the The Red Thread Promise team in the days to come.

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